Make beautiful HD movies anywhere with iMovie

Sometimes life feels like a movie. And now it really can be. Make eye-catching HD movies anywhere with iMovie, the fun, feature-rich video editing app that’s designed for the new iPod touch. Imagine being on spring break and creating a video postcard of your day at the beach, then posting it to YouTube without ever leaving your towel. Or making a movie of a house party and sending it to your friends while the party is still going strong. You can start lots of projects on your iPod touch and finish them whenever you want and wherever you are. It’s your life. On film.

iMovie app for iPhone 4 is dubbed as one of the must have feature for iPhone 4, which set apart iPhone 4 from the increasingly competitive smartphone market. However, iMovie app is not free, and is not packaged or bundled together with iPhone 4 stock apps. Instead, people who wants iMovie app has to buy the app for $4.99 from Apple App Store.

With iMovie app you can make beautiful HD movies anywhere with iMovie, the fun, feature-rich video editing app only for iPhone 4. Create a video postcard of your day at the beach and publish it to the web — without ever leaving your spot in the sand. Or make a movie of your child’s birthday party and send it to your parents — while the party is in full swing. With iMovie for iPhone, you can start several projects and finish them whenever you want and wherever you are.

Officially, iMovie requires iPhone 4, but you may find hack to enable iMovie to run on iPhone 3Gs on iOS 4.0, although it may subject to crash and experience may not be smooth due to lower equipment power. Apple has published a few articles to supplement the iMovie, and for users who interested, here’s some of them:

For tutorials and guides visit

Download iMovie app via iTunes:
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