Microsoft Your Phone app; Sync, See and manage Android notifications on Your PC

Microsoft Your Phone app; Sync, See and manage Android notifications on Your PC

A new update to Microsoft's Your Phone app will be extremely useful for professionals who move between an Android phone and a Windows 10 PC for work...
The Height and the letter of your name can impact your chances at success, Here is Why

The Height and the letter of your name can impact your chances at success, Here is Why

A study from the University of Chicago found that height was key, and that "taller workers receive a substantial premium in earnings." Even the first...
The Next Billionaires Will Come From Asia And India Leads in Terms of Forecast UHNWI

The Next Billionaires Will Come From Asia And India Leads in Terms of Forecast UHNWI

Pictures of Mukesh Ambani's $2 billion Mumbai residence 'Antilia' As the fastest growing economic region, Asia is home to a large number of billionaires...