Google Assistant Is Now Adding The Ability To Capture Your Screen By Saying “Take a screenshot.”

Taking a screenshot on an Android smartphone can be achieved a number of different ways, but nearly all of them require a number of taps or button presses. However, thanks to a recent update to Google's AI assistant, that task can now be performed simply by using your voice. Say "OK Google, take a screenshot" and the Share panel will pop up, allowing you to capture whatever is on display.

The screenshot command in Google Assistant is a fairly recent addition, but functions exactly like the button method. As such, the navigation and status bar are not visible in resulting captures.

It can be activated by either saying or typing "Take a screenshot." After a brief loading screen, the system Share panel will slide up. The command will also appear in your history of previous Assistant actions.

This new feature also works when the Assistant panel is taking up the entire screen and even after you've asked several questions before issuing the command. "Take a screenshot" will always capture what's "behind" the Assistant panel.

The verbal command is particularly useful and comes as some have noticed in the past day that the screenshot button has disappeared from Assistant. That chip, along with the "What can you do?" option, has disappeared on two of my devices, though it remains on my colleague's phones.

Meanwhile, the built-in screenshot editor that we first encountered several months ago and in a recent Google app teardown is still not yet available for most users. (via

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