Visual Basic For LINUX on Develop

Visual Basic For LINUX on Develop

A recreation of Microsoft`s Visual Basic that runs and compiles for/in Linux.
We`ve decided that VB4Linux will be programmed in C. We will probably be beginning sometime within the next week or so.
It will work on most All Posix (
Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes) , Linux with GPL License.

Visit here for detail information latest developing progression.

Blogger for Word Setup (OOT)

Now you can use Blogger right within Microsoft® Word. Just download and install the Blogger for Word add-in and a Blogger toolbar will be added to Word allowing you to:
* Publish to your blog

* Save drafts
* Edit posts

>Read terms of service here! or Start to download!

# Fast download - about 5 minutes on a modem (2MB)

# Requires Windows XP or 2000
# Requires Word 2000 or higher

# Requires a Blogger account
Call DB2 stored procedures in VB6.0 App

Call DB2 stored procedures in VB6.0 App

DB2 stored procedures in Visual Basic 6.0: If you're a database administrator or stored procedure author for DB2 for OS/390 and z/OS, you might use server-side tests (in COBOL) to test stored procedures. But there are also benefits in running some simple client-side tests. More on db2 stored procedures and vb db2 connectivity
by Judith.M. Myerson and Sarah Packowski.
First published at IBM developerWorks.
If you are a database administrator or stored procedure author for IBM DB2 for OS/390 and z/OS, you probably use server-side tests (in COBOL) to test your server-side stored procedures. However, there are also benefits to taking the extra step in running some simple, client-side tests. By doing this, you can be aware of complications arising from communication or system problems related to stored procedures before client-side application developers try to use those stored procedures.

For example, if the database server is DB2 for OS/390 or z/OS, the complications that might arise include TCP/IP services being down or problems with the SQL stored procedure builder/processor DSNTPSMP. Creating these client-side tests can give you a better understanding of the way in which your database and stored procedures are being used (which might affect system and stored procedure design and implementation choices). Finally, the experience of creating and running client-side tests help you bridge the communication gap that sometimes develops between you and the client-side application developers.

Highlights include:

* Sample 1: Calling a stored procedure
* Sample 2: Navigating a result set
* Sample 3. Navigating multiple result sets
* Sample 4: Calling a stored procedure that takes one parameter
* Sample 5: Calling a stored procedure with multiple parameters
* Appendix A. Unattended batch processing
* Appendix B. Adding a graphical user interface
* Appendix C. Sample stored procedures in COBOL

[Download Tutorial | 140.28 KB, pdf files]
Create data report as .txt file

Create data report as .txt file

Create your own Data Report in text file format, No need to use any third party Report writer, Try its very easy....

This bit of code will create a data report as a .txt file, thus eliminating the need for a third-party reporting application. To make it work, you must add a file scripting reference in your project before running this code. In addition, the author notes that this snippet creates a sample report from a generic table, so be sure to set the data fields according to your database.

Target User: Developer/Architect

Option Explicit
' You must add Filescripting reference in your project before run this routine
' This is sample report from generic table, plz set data fields according to your database

Dim Fs, Glfile
Dim fvlonLineCount As Long
Dim fvbooExitPrintLine As Boolean
Dim fvintPageNo As Integer

Dim rsGeneric As New ADODB.Recordset ' any Generic Recordset
Dim CN As ADODB.Connection ' set your connection
Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset ' set your recordset

Sub PageHeader()
PrintLine ""
PrintLine ""
PrintLine Chr(27) & Chr(14) & Chr(27) & Chr(15) & "FAYYAZ BUTT"
PrintLine Chr(27) & Chr(77) & "Any Heading you want to print" & String(113, " ") & Format(Format(Date, "mmmm d, yyyy"), String(20, "@"))
PrintLine ""
PrintLine String(147, "=")

End Sub

Sub PageFooter()
fvintPageNo = fvintPageNo + 1
PrintLine String(147, "-")
PrintLine " " & "Any text you want to print at footer" & String(100, " ") & "Page : " & Format(fvintPageNo, "@@@") & Chr(18)
PrintLine ""
PrintLine ""
End Sub

Sub PrintLine(AnyLine As String)
fvlonLineCount = fvlonLineCount + 1
Glfile.WriteLine AnyLine
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Set rsGeneric = cn.execute "select * from anytable" ' give your table name here

Dim lvstrCritaria As String
Dim lvstrPreviousACode As String
Dim lvintWait As Integer
Dim lvbytCount As Byte

fvlonLineCount = 0
fvbooExitPrintLine = False
fvintPageNo = 0
Set Fs = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set Glfile = Fs.CreateTextFile("c:\MyTextfile.txt", True)
'*** Report Header ***
Call PageHeader
'*** Detail Section ***
Do Until rsGeneric.EOF
' set your table fields here
PrintLine rsGeneric!acno & " | " & rsGeneric!head
'*** Report Footer ***
PrintLine String(79, " ") & String(45, "-")
PrintLine "*** End of Report ***"
Call PageFooter
'*** End Of Report ***
Screen.MousePointer = 0
MsgBox "Your report has been printed in the file" & Chr(13) & App.Path & "\MyTextfile.TXT", vbInformation, "Report Printed"
End Sub
Cetak Data Report Landscape (VB6)

Cetak Data Report Landscape (VB6)

“Report Width is Larger Than the Paper Width”

Pesan error yang sering kali membuat kita kesal ketika sedang kerja menampilkan atau mencetak data report dengan Visual basic 6.0.

Hal ini terjadi karena lebar report yang sudah kita desain dengan Data Report melebihi lebar kertas yang tersedia, misalnya kita membuat sebuah report dalam bentuk landscape dan pada saat mencetak aplikasi yang kita buat tidak bisa merubah seting printer kita dari portrait menjadi landscape.

Secara default Visual Basic 6.0 tidak memiliki fasilitas untuk merubah setting default printer dari portrait menjadi landscape atau sebaliknya. Untuk mengatasi hal ini adalah dengan “PageSet”.

Baca selengkapnya>>
VBOX VB API for OpenXchange

VBOX VB API for OpenXchange

The VBOX project aims at delivering an easy-to-use API for accessing an OpenXchange server from within Visual Basic (VBA) programs. It provides an abstraction layer to the VB application for hiding the complexity of the OpenXchange interfaces.

Datebase Environment: Project is a database abstraction layer (API)
Development Status: 4 - Beta
License: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Os:All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP)
Home Page Author:
Download VBBox package

Microsoft Visual Studio Installer 1.1

Microsoft Visual Studio Installer 1.1

Microsoft Visual Studio Installer 1.1 is the latest update to the graphical tool that simplifies the creation of application setup programs for distribution to single user or enterprise-wide desktops. New with Visual Studio Installer 1.1 is side-by-side installation of versioned DLLs. Setups created with the Visual Studio Installer provide advanced capabilities such as centralized distribution for maintenance and updates, application self-repair, and powerful installation rollback facilities.

Download Now: