How to be a good programmer?

How to be a good programmer?

I found this nice documentation written by. Robert L. Read, a good article to find the answer of the question above.
Just like he said, " To be a good programmer is difficult and noble. The hardest part of making real a collective vision of a software project is dealing with one's coworkers and customers. Writing computer programs is important and takes great intelligence and skill. "

It's a good catch for you, because Robert explained the whole important things what we should do to deal with this our area of expertise.

Read on Robert "how-to" here....
a free private teacher ready to helps you

a free private teacher ready to helps you

This is one of the best and most useful free software I ever found, Teach2000. the aim of this application is to help you memorize a foreign language, topography or even the history of Italy by date. Great way to improve your school results with this free trainer.

Key Features:
  • Included examples guarantee a quick start.
  • Easy handling of foreign symbols.
  • Test system based on spaced repetition.
  • A question can have multiple answers, and vice versa.
  • Multi-line questions and answers.
  • Rich formatting of the questions.
  • Statistics.
  • Phonetic symbols.
  • Twelve dictionaries included for translations and synonyms.
  • Add multimedia to the questions.
  • A large number of test styles.
  • Examination of vocabulary, but also sentences, dates, capital cities etcetera.
  • Multiple choice questions, grammar and yes/no-questions.
  • Greek font included.
  • Unicode enabled.
  • Easy import/export of lists.

The advantages:
  • 100% free.
  • Print flash cards, tests and crib notes.
  • Stable, fast and easy to use.

Download Teach2000 8.24
Visit Publisher's website

Another notepad replacement

Another notepad replacement

Still using notepad as your text editor? Then try TotalEdit. It's a powerful notepad replacement and text editor, perfect for text, web editing including PHP, HTML, Javascript, etc.

The more interesting is because it owns many programming features including:
Code-Folding, Language specific Syntax-Coloring, Plug-in External Compilers like Javac, Preview Web Pages and much more.

Key benefits and features:
  • Customizable menu's, command's, syntax coloring, external tools and more
  • Spell Checker and web (HTML) formatting tools
  • Built-in file comparison and hex (binary) editor
  • Over 80 features
  • Edit many files all at the same time

Download TotalEdit 4.2.2 Installer

Download TotalEdit 4.2.2 for USB
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code & syntax converter

code & syntax converter

Introducing Highlight, a small powerful converter tool, it will converts your source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting.
Colored output in HTML, XHTML, RTF, TeX, LaTeX and XML format. Highlights is a platform independent, support more than 120 programming language and includes 40 colour themes.

  • Highlighting of keywords, types, strings, numbers, escape sequences, comments, symbols and directive lines
  • Supports custom keyword groups, which may be defined using regular expressions
  • Colored output in HTML, XHTML 1.1, RTF, TeX, LaTeX, terminal escape sequences and XML format
  • Customizable reformatting and indentation of C, C++, C# and Java source code
  • Wrapping of long lines
  • Output of line numbers
  • Choice to embed the formatting information in the output HTML, LaTeX or TeX file or to save them in a separate style file, which is referenced by the generated documents
  • Customizable colour themes
  • Recursive batch processing of directories

Download Highlights 2.6.9 for Win (2.2MB)
Visit Publisher's website to see more download option

Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

If you are looking for a professional Windows Installer for internet distribution, then try NSIS,
NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) is a small and flexible script-based tool for Installing applications and allows you to create the logic to handle even the most complex installation tasks.

NSIS can create Windows installers that are capable of installing, uninstalling, setting system settings, extracting files, etc. Because NSIS is based on script files, you can create both simple and advanced installers.

Many plug-ins and scripts are already available: you can create web installers, communicate with Windows and other software components, install or update shared components and more.

Key Features:
  • Small overhead size
  • Compatible with all major Windows versions
  • Unique compression methods
  • Script based
  • Multiple languages in one installer
  • Many features and checks for the target system
  • Custom dialogs and interfaces
  • Plug-in system
  • Support for web installation, file patching
  • Project integration, different releases and automatic builds
  • Easy and human readable file formats
  • Portable Compiler

Download NSIS 2.36 (1.49MB)
Visit Publisher's website
OLE DB syntax based on providers (Part. I)

OLE DB syntax based on providers (Part. I)

1. OLE DB Provider for Active Directory Service

oConn.Open "Provider=ADSDSOObject;" & _
"User Id=myUsername;" & _

Desc: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Active Directory Service.

2. OLE DB Provider for Advantage

oConn.Open "Provider=Advantage OLE DB Provider;" & _
"Data source=c:\myDbfTableDir;" & _
"ServerType=ADS_LOCAL_SERVER;" & _

Desc: Advantage OLE DB Provider for ADO

3. OLE DB Provider for AS/400 (from IBM)

oConn.Open "Provider=IBMDA400;" & _
"Data source=myAS400;" & _
"User Id=myUsername;" & _

Desc: Fast Path to AS/400 Client/Server

4. Microsoft OLE DB Provider for AS/400 and VSAM

oConn.Open "Provider=SNAOLEDB;" & _
"Data source=myAS400;" & _
"User Id=myUsername;" & _

Desc: See ConnectionString Property

5. OLE DB Provider for Commerce Server for Data Warehouse

oConn.Open "Provider=Commerce.DSO.1;" & _
"Data Source=mscop://InProcConn/Server=mySrvName:" & _
"Catalog=DWSchema:Database=myDBname:" & _
"User=myUsername:Password=myPassword:" & _

' Or

oConn.Open "URL=mscop://InProcConn/Server=myServerName:" & _
"Database=myDBname:Catalog=DWSchema:" & _
"User=myUsername:Password=myPassword:" & _

For Profiling System:

oConn.Open "Provider=Commerce.DSO.1;" & _
"Data Source=mscop://InProcConn/Server=mySrvName:" & _
"Catalog=Profile Definitions:Database=myDBname:" & _

' Or

oConn.Open _
"URL=mscop://InProcConnect/Server=myServerName:" & _
"Database=myDBname:Catalog=Profile Definitions:" & _
For more information, see: OLE DB Provider for Commerce Server, DataWarehouse, and Profiling System

VB Code: Validate Credit Card Number

VB Code: Validate Credit Card Number

This is just a small VB code to validate credit cards number, all credit cards work with this algorthm;

If the number is in a valid format if returns 'True'.

If the number is in an invalid format it returns 'False'.

If a card validates with this code it doesn't mean that the card is actually good, it just means that the numbers are arranged in a valid format.
If they don't validate then you've saved some time because you don't have to process the card to find out that it is definitely bad. You can use this function in CGI forms that process credit card orders.

Function CheckCard(CCNumber As String) As Boolean
Dim Counter As Integer, TmpInt As Integer
Dim Answer As Integer

Counter = 1
TmpInt = 0

While Counter <= Len(CCNumber)
If IsEven(Len(CCNumber)) Then
TmpInt = Val(Mid$(CCNumber, Counter, 1))
If Not IsEven(Counter) Then
TmpInt = TmpInt * 2
If TmpInt > 9 Then TmpInt = TmpInt - 9
End If
Answer = Answer + TmpInt
'Debug.Print Counter, TmpInt, Answer
Counter = Counter + 1
TmpInt = Val(Mid$(CCNumber, Counter, 1))
If IsEven(Counter) Then
TmpInt = TmpInt * 2
If TmpInt > 9 Then TmpInt = TmpInt - 9
End If
Answer = Answer + TmpInt
'Debug.Print Counter, TmpInt, Answer
Counter = Counter + 1
End If

Answer = Answer Mod 10

If Answer = 0 Then CheckCard = True
End Function

'end code

Use MSWord spell corrector tools within VB

Use MSWord spell corrector tools within VB

If you would like to incorporate a Spellings Corrector in your VB app, it would take you quite a long time, this trick shows you in a simple example how to use MS Word´s Spelling Corrector within VB.

Create a new project with one form. Put a CommandButton and a TextBox on it.

Set the following properties of the textbox:
"Height = a couple of lines" Multiline=true ScrollBars=Vertical

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text1 = SpellCheck(Text1)
End Sub

Public Function SpellCheck(ByVal IncorrectText$) As String
Dim Word As Object, retText$

On Error Resume Next

' Create the Object and open Word
Set Word = CreateObject("Word.Basic")

' Change the active window to Word, and insert
' the text from Text1 into Word.

Word.Insert IncorrectText

' Runs the Speller Corrector

' Trim the trailing character from the returned text.

retText = Word.Selection$()
SpellCheck = Left$(retText, Len(retText) - 1)

' Close the Document and return to Visual Basic.

Word.FileClose 2

'Set the word object to nothing to liberate the
' occupied memory

Set Word = Nothing
End Function

I used WordBasic because that way you can also use this tip with older versions of Word aswell. (by. Philip N)
Hide program in Ctlr-Alt-Del list

Hide program in Ctlr-Alt-Del list

If you press Ctrl-Alt-Del at the same time a listbox will appear and you can see all program that currently running in your computer, for some reasons may you want to hide your program from the list.

There's 2 method you can choose to do that;

The easiest way is by using the TaskVisible property of the App-object. If you set it to False, the task will be hiden from the CTRL-ALT-DEL-list. If you set it to True, your task will reappear again.

'Hide my program from list
App.TaskVisible = False
'Show on list
App.TaskVisible = True

Another way is by registering your program as a service. This is done by passing the process ID of your application to the RegisterService API.

Copy the following code into the declarations section of a module:

Public Declare Function GetCurrentProcessId _
Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Public Declare Function GetCurrentProcess _
Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Public Declare Function RegisterServiceProcess _
Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwProcessID As Long, _
ByVal dwType As Long) As Long


'Declaration end here.

To remove your program from the Ctrl+Alt+Delete list, call the MakeMeService procedure:

Public Sub MakeMeService()
Dim pid As Long
Dim reserv As Long

pid = GetCurrentProcessId()
regserv = RegisterServiceProcess(pid, RSP_SIMPLE_SERVICE)
End Sub

'procedure end here

To restore your application to the Ctrl+Alt+Delete list, call the UnMakeMeService procedure:

Public UnMakeMeService()
Dim pid As Long
Dim reserv As Long

pid = GetCurrentProcessId()
regserv = RegisterServiceProcess(pid, _

'End Code

Don't forget to unregister your application as a service before it closes to free up system resources by calling UnMakeMeService.

How to create app manifest for VB in winXP

How to create app manifest for VB in winXP

This is a brief tutorial on creating an application manifest in Windows XP. Like we all know Windows XP comes with many new features and updates to the Common Controls Library. One of the main features is the Windows XP Themes. This allows you to select a theme, and the entire look and feel of Windows, as you know it will change.
However, if you were to write a program in VB, the buttons, textboxes you were to use, would not change. You need to tell Windows XP that you are going to use the new version of the Common Controls Library, and to do this you must include an application manifest. A manifest is an XML document that Windows XP searches for in the application’s directory when you open an application. This manifest tells Windows XP to use the new version of COMCTL32.DLL (Version 6).

Here is a brief tutorial::

- Load Microsoft Visual Basic and start a new project
- Now add a few standard controls, a button, a checkbox, 2 option buttons and a text box
- Give them captions, and program the button to Exit when clicked.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

COMCTL32.DLL exports a function called InitCommonControls. This is exported in COMCTL32.DLL versions from Windows 95. This needs to be called when the application is started, to ensure that the common controls library is opened. The declaration is not available in the API viewer. Make sure that you use Form_Initialize and not Form_Load, to enter the code. So the code in the form should now read:

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function InitCommonControls Lib "comctl32.dll" () As Long

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Initialize()
End Sub

Now we need to compile this into an executable file (the manifest will only work when run as an EXE) and actually create the manifest. I have called my application COMCTLTest.EXE. You can call your executable anything, but that name needs to correspond with the name on the manifest.

Go to the folder, at which you have compiled the application into, load notepad and enter the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
<assemblyIdentity type="win32" processorArchitecture="*" version="" name="mash"/>
<description>Enter your Description Here</description>
name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" version=""

Save this as:


So because I compiled my application as COMCTLTest.exe I would save my manifest as: COMCTLTest.EXE.MANIFEST

Now, you are ready to run your application. Double click on the executable, and there you are!! (by Phillip N)
Use Winsock Control to download webpages

Use Winsock Control to download webpages

The Professional and Enterprise Editions of Visual Basic are shipped with the Winsock control. This control allows you to use the low level Windows Sockets to connect to remote servers and execute commands or download Web pages. This tip shows how to connect to a server and download a Web page.

You must have a Winsock control loaded into the project. This code assumes the control is called Winsock1. There also must be a text box on the form which is called txtWebPage.

First, connect to the remote computer using the following code:

Winsock1.RemoteHost = ""
Winsock1.RemotePort = 80

In the Winsock1.Connect event, place the following code to download the web page.

Dim strCommand as String
Dim strWebPage as String
strWebPage = ""
strCommand = "GET " + strWebPage + " HTTP/1.0" + vbCrLf
strCommand = strCommand + "Accept: */*" + vbCrLf
strCommand = strCommand + "Accept: text/html" + vbCrLf
strCommand = strCommand + vbCrLf
Winsock1.SendData strCommand

The Winsock control will attempt to download the page. When is receives some data from the server, it will trigger the DataArrival event.

Dim webData As String
Winsock1.GetData webData, vbString
TxtWebPage.Text = TxtWebPage.Text + webData

'end code
'coding by Phillip N
Firefox 3 Portable available for download

Firefox 3 Portable available for download

Mozilla developers finally released Firefox 3 portable edition. We now have options to use Firefox as a portable application, you can download to review and try out the new features.

However, the latest version for this edition is beta 5. In fact, many people are not willing to install the beta version, as some of the Firefox 2 plugin still can’t support Firefox 3.

Luckily, the Portableapps group had come out the portable edition of Firefox 3 beta 5. This is a good news for people who want to experience the new features of beta 5 without modify the settings of Firefox 2.

Download Firefox 3 Beta 5 here
Attendance Record Application Video Tutorial

Attendance Record Application Video Tutorial

I found this youtube videos about Staff Annual Leave Attendance Recording, this is from, click play for 02:50 seconds layers and watch step by step tutorial.

Tutorial description:
MS Access Attendance Record is a light compact application that allows your staff to record and maintain their own annual leave attendance.
* On screen indicator showing annual leave allocated and remaining.
* Ability to automate and send email of annual leave requested.
* On screen pie chart showing type of leave taken. Example annual, exam, flexi etc..
* Print the annual leave sheet for defined periods.

Free Swiss Army Network Toolkit

Free Swiss Army Network Toolkit

Do you remember Swiss Army Knife? very simple and small tool but great with many features, useful for multipurpose work. That's the way this free tool goes to be...

NetTools is a collection of network scanning, administration tools, system tools and much more with intuitive user interface. Net Tools is mainly written by Microsoft VB6, C+, and C#. It's contain more than 175 tools that you can choose what you need and use from configuration menu.

After you install the program, you can actually copy the executable file(EXE) into your USB disk (don't forget to bring the library files needed!).
So, NetTools is actually a ‘Portable Swiss Army’ Network Toolkits.

Download NetTools 5 here (25MB and require .Net Framework to run)
MANAGE XPS: Different spheres of project life cycle problem handler

MANAGE XPS: Different spheres of project life cycle problem handler

The software package MANAGE XPS handles problems related to different spheres of project life cycle. MANAGE XPS finds its utility suited for a variety of projects where the user is able to provide input in the form of precedence relationships, time, cost and resource requirements of the activities of the project with gantt chart generator included.

MANAGE XPS consists of various program modules mutually incorporated to form an integrated software package utility. The integrated software package has a flexibility of application as per the requirement of the case under consideration.
A specific module can be used independently to assist in decision making for a particular problem associated to one of the stages in the life-cycle of a project, or an integrated utility of the software can be used for a broader application.

Open source project management software language:
  • Visual Basic 6.0
  • A-O-N
  • Gantt chart generation.
  • Critical path, float calculation.
  • Resource profile generation.
  • Resource leveling through simulation.
  • Resource allocation based on various priority rules.

Download list:
User Manuals:
Exe file:
Project website: pmanage
Project Admins: achalmeena
Operating System: All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP)
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Category: Office Suites, Scheduling, Other/Nonlisted Topic, Scientific/Engineering

Winning More Bids on the Freelance Bidding Sites

Winning More Bids on the Freelance Bidding Sites

Winning bids on the freelance bidding sites can be pretty difficult even if you have lots of experience within a certain area. While there are lots of clients looking for people to do work for them, there are that many and more people looking to do the work. The competition for the posted jobs can be fierce.

Placing a winning bid on selected job postings is essential to getting some of these jobs. Your bid will need to stand out more than all the other bids that are placed for that one job. If your bid doesn't stand out, it will only get lost in the swarm of other unwanted bids. Here are some tips to help you get your bid noticed:
  • Take your time with your profile resume and update regularly- Your profile resume needs to show what experience or skills you have that pertain to the jobs you plan to post for. If your profile resume isn't good, you'll probably lose the jobs you bid on; even if you place a great bid.
  • Don't be afraid to place lower bids when you're just starting out- Most freelancers will place lower bids to help them win projects. The more you win the more positive feedback you can receive. The higher ratings you get, the more likely you will win bids for the higher paying postings in the future. Keep in mind, though, that you're still worth the time and effort you put into these jobs, so don't go overboard in bidding low.
  • Look professional when placing your bids- Usually, when you place your bid, there will be a section that you can write what makes you perfect for that job. This is where you should write a statement that shows you are the one that they should hire. Don't make your statement short and choppy and make sure your words are spelled correctly.
  • Write your experience or skills that relate to the job and leave out those that don't have anything to do with it. Also, refrain from making statements of how desperate you are to work or just saying that "I can do it for you" and leaving it at that. Unprofessional looking bids will be skimmed over quite quickly.
  • State the facts only in your profile resume and in your bid statements- Exaggerating your skills will only catch up to you in the long run. If they think you have more experience than you do and you don't live up to that expectation, your rating will be affected, thus jeopardizing your chance for the good paying positions.
  • Don't rush through the bidding process- Rushing through them will only cause mistakes within the bids you place. Take your time with your bid to eliminate those mistakes before submitting those bids.
Show potential clients that you can be the professional they need by making your bids stand out from the others. Build a good profile rating for yourself and you can start bidding on the higher paying positions that will bring you more income and possibly ongoing work as well.

Start become a freelance programmer today, it's free... Sign up here!


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Article Source:EzineArticles
Compressor ver 0.01 for winamp

Compressor ver 0.01 for winamp

Compressor ver 0.01 for winamp
Based on Shibatch Super Equalizer ver 0.03 for winamp
written by Naoki Shibata

Shibatch Super Equalizer is a graphic and parametric equalizer plugin for winamp. This plugin uses 16383th order FIR filter with FFT algorithm. It's equalization is very precise. Equalization setting can be done for each channel separately.

Processes of internal equalizer in winamp are actually done by each input plugin, so the results may differ for each input plugin. With this plugin, this problem can be avoided.

This plugin is optimized for processors which have cache equal to or greater than 128k bytes(16383*2*sizeof(float) = 128k). This plugin won't work efficiently with K6 series processors. Do not forget pressing "preview" button after changing setting.

FFT part is a routine made by Mr.Ooura. This routine is a freeware. Contact Mr.Ooura for details of distributing licenses.

Download dsp_compressor001
VB6 Anti Decompiler

VB6 Anti Decompiler

VB 6 AntiDecompiler is a software tool that disables the decompilation of VB 6 native code programs. Today the decompilation can be performed by services like the VB Decompiler Service and tools like VB ReFormer or VB Decompiler. AntiDecompiler will stops the decompilation completely. After a program was processed by this software the decompilers will produce no output at all.

This software is not an EXE encryptor/packer since these are weak protections against the decompilation. You should use such tools as an additional security layer only. VB 6 Anti Decompiler prevents the decompilation. It was written in MS VB 6 and protected by itself. We know that VB 6 AntiDecompiler will protect itself against decompilation. The protected EXE must be shipped with the msvbvm60.dll from your windows system folder. Your software installation program should put the DLL in to the EXE installation folder. Version 2 has total protection agains the decompilers, protection agains changes to the project, forms and controls.

Download VB6 AntiDecompiler 2
ISBN-10 to ISBN-13 Conversion Tools

ISBN-10 to ISBN-13 Conversion Tools

Small VBA and JavaScript code used to validates 10 and 13 digit ISBN, and converts between ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 (only ISBN-13 beginning with 978 can be converted to ISBN-10).

The release zip archive contains both JavaScript and VBA, function for converting and validating ISBN-10 and ISBN-13. Although the functions have been tested, this is the first release and there may still be bugs. Please do your own testing before using the functions in critical applications.

Download Conversion Tool
free web development text-editor

free web development text-editor

Looking just like Notepad, but this free text editor has special features added, such as colorization code, validation, auto-completion and more great variety of helper tools to speed up your programming.

"Netpadd can make backups of the current file, it has file sharing options within an intranet, it can display an (X)HTML document tree to validate the source. You can start a Java compile, call up a complete CSS syntax help. You can load files of any size. You have a code colorizer recognizing XML, XHTML, XSL, ASP, JSP, PHP.
There's a second clipboard. A jump to a line feature. Solid search, and search & replace, of course. You can convert characters to HTML, or look up special characters. You can see the output of an XSL transformation. You can convert tabs to spaces of your defined length. There's auto-completion features. You can easily wrap text with tags. Any many more things."

Download Netpadd
Visit website
free web-based database applications tools

free web-based database applications tools

Polar Studio is a FREE Software Development Tool for web-based database applications.
  • Designed for MS-Access or MS-SQL Server databases.
  • From Database to Web in a snap!
  • Includes a free application server for 5 simultaneous web-users.
Polar Studio is an award-winning Internet Database Development Tool! Winner of the RAD Race 2004.

Download Polar Studio 6.33
Visit Publisher's website